Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili




Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili also known as "Stalin" - the "man of steel" - is reduced to cellophane and sold for quick sale to tourists along the Nevsky Prospekt.

How times have changed!

Even in the twilight years of the Soviet Union I doubt anyone would have dared package the dictator in such a manner. Without question, this would earn you a one way ticket to Siberia in Stalin's heyday.

The top selling tourist kitsch along the city's main boulevard are doe-eyed postcards of Tsar Nicholas and his martyred family dressed in pristine white.

There are wooden matryoshka versions of all past Soviet leaders though I noticed Vladimir Putin, Russia's current leader, seems to have been spared the ridicule.

Times may not have not changed as much as people might think?


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